Criteria for National Register

Criteria for National Register

Casey Woster
National Register
(307) 777-7530




The National Register's standards for evaluating the significance of properties were developed to recognize the accomplishments of all peoples who have made a significant contribution to our country's history and heritage. The criteria are designed to guide State and local governments, Federal agencies, and others in evaluating potential entries in the National Register.


Criteria for Evaluation

A property must have historic significance within one or more of the four criteria for evaluation. The criteria relate to a property’s association with important events, people, design or construction, or information potential. The National Register criteria recognize these values embodied in buildings, structures, districts, sites, and objects. The four criteria are as follows:


Criteria Considerations

Ordinarily cemeteries, birthplaces, graves of historical figures, properties owned by religious institutions or used for religious purposes, structures that have been moved from their original locations, reconstructed historic buildings, properties primarily commemorative in nature, and properties that have achieved significance within the past 50 years shall not be considered eligible for the National Register. However, such properties will qualify if they are integral parts of districts that do meet the criteria or if they fall within the following categories: