Thematic Contexts
Thematic Contexts
The Way West, A Historical Context of the Oregon, California, Mormon Pioneer, and Pony Express National Historic Trails in Wyoming (2014)
Building up Wyoming, Depression-Era Federal Projects in Wyoming, 1929-1943 (2013)
Wyoming Homesteading, Ranching, and Farming 1860-1960 (2011)
Places of Learning, Historical Context of Schools in Wyoming (2011)
Transportation Routes and Sites in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming (2006)
Stock-Raising, Ranching, and Homesteading in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming (2007)
Wyoming Military Historic Context (1920 - 1989) (2009)
Military Sites in Wyoming 1700-1920, Historic Context (2012)
Wyoming Irrigation Context (2023)
Paleoindian Heartland (2024)