Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office

The Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office maintains a collection of Wagon Rutsover 35,000 photographs taken by our professional staff photographer over the past twenty five years. For the Western Trails Project, samples of the photographs taken along the major trails in Wyoming were imaged.

Trail Ruts

Wyoming is home to milesof pristine trail remains. Photographs can capture the condition and feeling of place. The extensive landscape with crystal blue sky, treeless windy prairie, and rocky terrain were all experienced by those who have traveled before us. Whether exploring the trails on foot, on horseback, in a wagon, or automobile, the presence of Oregon Trail Ruts near Split Rock these trail remains is a physical connection to our history. Intrusions along the trail can detract from our experience in enjoying the trails today. The Wyoming SHPO consults with federal agencies to reduce the impact of the modern world upon these historic places.


While traveling along Wyoming's highways and visiting its towns, you will Historical Markernotice monuments commemorating significant events in our history. Many of these monuments are historical artifacts in of themselves and exhibit fine construction detail and craftsmanship. The Wyoming SHPO administers the maintenance and placement of these markers in the state. Our collection contains photographs of these monuments and many are available on this website.


The Wyoming SHPO maintains an extensive archive of unpublished documents on the history and archeology of the state. Researchers with formal affiliation to an academic institution or professional cultural resource consultants may have access to the collection. Soon to be hosted on these pages are samples of some of the types of documents on file pertaining to the research and compliance process associated with Wyoming's trails. Please contact the SHPO if you would like to obtain access to the documents. The location of archeological and historic sites is protected by federal law and is not part of the public record.