


Wyoming State Parks Unveils New Monuments and Markers Online Interactive Map

A Peek into History at the Tip of Your Fingers!

Wondering what those historic markers along the highway are all about? Never have time to stop as you drive by at highway speeds. Wyoming State Parks and Cultural Resources announces a new and searchable Monuments and Markers Interactive Map at

The GIS-based database contains a profile for each of the 1,000+ monuments and markers, including the name, longitude/latitude and a description of the significance to Wyoming’s history or prehistory.

In addition, approximately half of the markers also contain a photograph of the monument or marker. This program will greatly aid the public searching for information on geological features, historical events, and people who have shaped Wyoming’s rich history, be it for educational, tourism or other purposes.

Wyoming’s Monuments and Markers Program operates through a partnership between State Parks and Cultural Resources, Wyoming Department of Transportation, the Wyoming Office of Tourism, local governments, Tribes, and private individuals and organizations.

The program is one of the oldest programs in the nation.

At a time when few thought to mark history, interested and concerned residents of Wyoming realized the need to commemorate the past and began placing monuments and markers that served to preserve a piece of the state’s heritage.

For more information, please contact Wyoming State Parks’ Monuments and Markers Coordinator Mr. Dan Bach at 777-6314 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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