
Class I Report Guidelines

Class I Report Guidelines

Class I Report Guidelines

Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office
2301 Central Avenue
Barrett Building, Third Floor
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
Phone: 307-777-7697


Printable Guideline:


A Class I inventory is a compilation and analysis of existing cultural resource data and a management-focused, interpretive narrative overview and synthesis of the data. It includes, but is not limited to, a file search of the Wyoming SHPO Cultural Records Office database. Please use the following guidelines when preparing your survey report.


Title Page

  • Report Title/Project Name 
  • Author/Principal Investigator 
  • Consultant permit number 
  • Date of report 
  • Consultant project number (if any) 
  • Signature of Principal Investigator 


Project Location

  • USGS Quad Name 
  • Legal Location to the nearest 10 acres 
  • Land ownership (surface and subsurface) 


Project Description

  • Identify if the project is a borrow pit, road, or other facility. 
  • Discuss proposed nature and degree of ground disturbance. 
  • Discuss the proposed nature and degree of changes to any buildings, structures, or objects.


Environmental Description

  • The environmental situation of the project area is the major basis for determining the probability of sites occurring in the project area. The environmental description must be as detailed as possible and describe the immediate project area as well as the surrounding area. Consider such environmental factors as hydrology, soils, topography, vegetation, etc., as appropriate. 


Records Search

  • Discuss the sources and results of the data reviewed. A file search at the SHPO Records Office must have been conducted not more than 60 days prior to the completion of the Class I report. Other appropriate records must also be consulted including GLO plats, District Historic Indices, previous Class II and Class III reports, historic documents, county clerk records, and local amateur archaeologists and historians. At a minimum the area covered by the records search must include the quarter section in which the project is located and each contiguous quarter section (i.e. nine quarter sections) but enough area must be covered to enable the investigator to make a reasoned appraisal of the cultural potential of the area. 



  • Describe the nature, type, and National Register eligibility of all known sites in or near the project area. 


Field Reconnaissance (if any)

  • Describe the methods employed in any field inspections of the project area or sites. 


Area Overview

  • Summarize the environment of the area in terms of its influence on cultural site location. Discuss possible or know site types. Discuss the types of sites which would be significant (i.e., National Register eligible) in the area. Identify the type and environmental location of all known sites in the area. Discuss any previous surveys and their results (either positive or negative), the environment the survey covered, and the adequacy of the survey.


Site Potential in Project Impact Area

  • Discuss the potential/probability of eligible and ineligible sites occurring in the impact area and provide a reasoned justification for the evaluation. 



  • Provide a specific recommendation on the need for a Class III survey of the project impact area. The recommendation must state that a Class III survey should or should not be conducted and must be based on existing available data and professional judgement. 



  • Attach USGS quad showing project location and other documents as appropriate.

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