
Wyoming Cultural Properties Forms

Wyoming Cultural Properties Forms

Wyoming Cultural Properties Forms

Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office
2301 Central Avenue
Barrett Building, Third Floor
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
Phone: 307-777-7697


As of May 6, 2019, the Wyoming Cultural Properties forms should be submitted through WyoTrack on-line.   The on-line versions of the forms are the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office's (WYSHPO) submission standard.  Printable versions of the form completed in WyoTrack should be submitted along with the Class II or Class III report to the appropriate federal agency.  Do not submit the old WYCPF in addition to the WyoTrack vesion.   If you need access to WyoTrack, please contact the Wyoming Cultural Records Office at 307-766-5334 or click here to contact us.









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