
Get a Compliance Letter

Get a Compliance Letter

Get a Compliance Letter

Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office
2301 Central Avenue
Barrett Building, Third Floor
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
Phone: 307-777-7697



To request a Section 106 compliance letter for a proposed project from the Wyoming SHPO you will need to provide the following information. Based on a file search and our review of the project area, we will provide written comments on the potential for the project to affect historic properties and recommendations for further cultural resource investigations.

  • Name and adequate description of project
  • Name of project proponent
  • Project location (township, range, section)
  • Name of lead federal (or state) agency permitting, authorizing, or funding project
  • Current land use and nature of any previous disturbances in project area
  • A copy of a USGS 7.5 minute topographic map with the project area outlined or highlighted
  • Photos of the project area
  • Date(s) of building/structure construction, if applicable

E106 Login

If a cultural resource inventory report has already been prepared for a specific project, it should first be reviewed by the lead permitting agency for the project. That agency will then send a copy of the report to the SHPO with their comments and determinations and a request for SHPO review. If the permitting agency has authorized a project proponent or cultural resource consultant to send a copy of the report directly to the SHPO, send a cover letter along with the report that explains the situation, requests SHPO review and comment, and provides information about who should receive the SHPO response letter.

Send your request to:

Brian Beadles
    Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer
    Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office
    2301 Central Ave.
Barrett Building, Third Floor
    Cheyenne, WY 82002

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Please be sure to include your name, return address, return email address, and phone number. Be aware that it may take up to 30 days for a response depending on our current workload, so be sure to allow adequate advance time for SHPO review and comment.  Requests from federal agencies must be submitted through the WyoTrack system. All other requests can be submitted by email or through WyoTrack. If you need a WyoTrack account, please call or email the Wyoming Cultural Records Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 307-766-5335.


Need a map? 

  1. Click on the link below
  2. Click on the 4 square box icon and choose your basemap to be "imagery" or something similar
  3. Type in your address in the top left search field or zoom to where you project is
  4. Use the mouse to click on the property to display a pop-up window
  5. Use the left and right arrows to cycle through the property's description
  6. While on page 2 of 3, you will be able to see the Township, Range, and Section
  7. Zoom out from that point a little bit to give an idea of where your location is
  8. Create a screenshot using your Print Screen key on the keyboard
  9. Open a new Word document and paste the image
  10. Crop the image to show only the map and resize to fill the width of the page
  11. Right-click the image and select "Save as Picture"
  12. Save the image as a .pdf, .jpeg, or .tiff and upload it with your e106 Submission


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