
Classes of Inventory in Wyoming

Classes of Inventory in Wyoming

Classes of Inventory in Wyoming

Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office
2301 Central Avenue
Barrett Building, Third Floor
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
Phone: 307-777-7697


Class I: Existing Data Inventory 

A Class I inventory is a compilation and analysis of existing cultural resource data and a management-focused, interpretive narrative overview and synthesis of the data. It includes, but is not limited to, a file search of the Wyoming SHPO Cultural Records Office database. Please use the Class I Report Guidelines when preparing your survey report for this type of inventory.


Class II: Sampling Field Inventory 

A Class II inventory provides the database for making an objective estimate of the nature and distribution of cultural resource sites within a study area. Field investigations usually include transects of greater than 30 meters (100 feet). A sampling strategy must be justified with a written proposal, and reviewed and accepted by all reviewing agencies in advance of the inventory. Please use the Format, Guidelines, and Standards for Class II and III Reports when preparing your survey report for this type of inventory.


Class III: Intensive Field Inventory 

A Class III Inventory provides cultural resource specialists and managers with a record of all cultural properties, which can be identified from surface indications, for a specific area. Thirty meter (100 feet) transect spacing (at a maximum) is required for a Class III inventory. Please use the Format, Guidelines, and Standards for Class II and III Reports when preparing your survey report for this type of inventory.


Reconnaissance Inventory

A reconnaissance inventory is a focused or special-purpose information tool that is less systematic, less intensive, less complete, and otherwise does not meet Class III inventory standards. Please contact us before undertaking a reconnaissance level survey project.


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