
Bureau of Land Management Protocol 2014

Bureau of Land Management Protocol 2014

Bureau of Land Management Protocol 2014

Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office
2301 Central Avenue
Barrett Building, Third Floor
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
Phone: 307-777-7697


Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office
2301 Central Avenue
Barrett Building, Third Floor
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
Phone: 307-777-7697


Finalized Agreement


Final 4/25/2014

The State Historic Preservation Office would like to express our thanks to everyone who provided comment and assistance in revising the Protocol developed between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO).

The SHPO appreciates the time and effort all interested parties devoted to reviewing the document, providing thoughtful comments and meeting with us to discuss your comments. With your assistance, we have developed a Protocol, which outlines a streamlined consultation process between the BLM and SHPO without compromising the state’s significant historic and prehistoric sites.

Additionally, the Protocol is focused on avoiding adverse effects to significant sites and providing guidelines for the development of mitigation measures where effects to sites are unavoidable.

Public comments were invaluable in developing a clear and balanced document. Thank you for your time and effort and for your interest in preserving Wyoming’s significant cultural resources. Implementation of this Protocol is outlined in Section XIII and should not be used until training has been conducted by BLM and SHPO.

Nationwide Programmatic Agreement between BLM and the National Council of State Historic Preservation Officers



Questions regarding documents should be directed to Kathy Boden at 307-775-6017 or Brian Beadles, Deputy SHPO at 307-777-8594.


Supporting References

The following links will all open in new tabs/windows.

Wyoming SHPO/BLM Protocol Reference Materials


BLM References and Manuals:

  • Onshore Oil & Gas Order #1  [PDF Document]
  • Manual 8110 Identifying and Evaluating Cultural Resources  [PDF Document]
  • Manual 8120 Tribal Consultation Under Cultural Resources  [PDF Document]
  • Manual 8140 Protecting Cultural Resources  [PDF Document]
  • Manual 8150 Permitting uses of Cultural Resources  [PDF Document]
  • H-8120-1 General Procedural Guidance for Native American Consultation  [PDF Document]
  • H-3150 Onshore Oil and Gas Geophysical Exploration Surface Management Requirements
  • EO 13007 Indian Sacred Sites


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