
View Our Award Winning Posters

View Our Award Winning Posters

2001 - Protecting Wyoming's Sacred Places

Awarded First Prize in the Society for American Archaeology annual poster contest



The image depicted on this Wyoming Archaeology Awareness Month poster has come to be known as Devils Tower. This feature, however, has been given many names by different Plains Indian Tribes. The indigenous names printed around the border of the poster continue to be used by native peoples today. A comprehensive ethnographic report, Naming Bear Lodge**, completed for the National Park Service, provides extensive information regarding the cultural history of the tower feature and an account of the history of its naming. The native language place names, English translations, and tribal affiliations shown on the poster are reprinted below.




Place Name English Translation Tribal Affiliation
Na Kovea Bears' Lodge, Bear Tipi, Bear's Tower, Grizzly Bear's Lodge Arapaho
Tso-i-e; Tso-ai; Tso-aa; Tsoai Tree Rock, or Rock Tree Kiowa
Mato-Tipi; Mato Tipi Paha; Mato Tipila Bear Lodge, Bear Lodge Hill, Bear Lodge Butte, Grizzly Bear's Lodge Lakota or other Sioux Bands
Mathoothi; Mathoothipi; Mathoothipila Bear-Dwelling, Bear Tipi Lakota or other Sioux Bands
Che Paha Crying Hill Lakota
Mahdo Wakupe Bear's Hat Mandan
Aguay Za-Quid-Ipe The Bear Scratched His Way up There, or Bear Claw Markings, or Bear Scratchings Wind River Shoshone
Dabiche Asow Bears House Crow
T,sou'a'e; T'sou'a'e Aloft on a Rock Kiowa
Wanaghipaha Ghost Mountain Lakota or other Sioux Bands
Woox-niii-non Bear's Tipi Arapaho
T'sotsedle; Tso-tsedle Rock Standing, Standing Rock Kiowa
we'shaBeNar Gourd-its-Butte Wind River Shoshone
He Hota Paha Grey Horn Butte Lakota or other Sioux Bands
Dabicha Asow Bear's House, Bear's Home, Bear's Lair Crow
Nakoeve Bear Peak Cheyenne
Chan-hoo-tah-ah Tree Stump Lakota
Wiwayang Wachipi Paha Sundance Mound Lakota or other Sioux Bands
Na'koo! Vee! Preferred spelling for Na Kovea, Bear's Lodge Cheyenne
Daxpitchee Awaasuua Preferred spelling for Dabicha Asow, Bear's House Crow

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