
NR By County Test

Converse County


Brian Beadles
Historic Preservation Specialist
(307) 777-8594

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  • Ross Flat Segment - Bozeman Trail



    Read All About It:

    The Ross Flat segment of the Bozeman Trail is the result of verified historic trail use during the Bozeman's period of historic significance of 1863 to 1890. This segment climbs out of the Wind Creek drainage ascending a sloping ridge that terminates on a small plateau like summit named Ross Flat. The average length of this segment is 3.3 miles.



    Date Added to Register:
    Sunday, July 23, 1989
    Converse County
    Converse County
    Smithsonian Number:


  • Sage Creek Station - Bozeman Trail



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    Bounded by ridges to the north and south which provide a measure of protection from the natural elements and lying within one of the better water areas on the initial leg of the Bozeman Trail, this site, evidenced by building depression and a widely dispersed historic trash scatter, lies on the first terrace of the south bank of Sage Creek.

    The low rolling hills of the semiarid Powder River Basin surround this site, favored as a campspot by the travelers of the Bozeman Trail on their first night out of Ft. Fetterman. It was also favored by later stage route operators who built a station here in the 1870s. Among the artifacts found on the site were broken bottles, ceramics, horse shoes and wire and telegraph insulators for the military telegraph connecting the Bozeman Trail's military period (1865-1876).



    Date Added to Register:
    Sunday, July 23, 1989
    Converse County
    Converse County
    Smithsonian Number:


  • Stinking Water Gulch Segment-Bozeman Trail



    Read All About It:

    The Stinking Water Gulch Segment of the Bozeman Trail retains some of the best trail rut remains in conjunction with an unimpaired visual aspect of any segment along the Bozeman Trail. Documentary and field research have verified that this property is the product of traffic along the Bozeman Trail during its period of historic use. The many parallel crossings of both Stinking Water Creek and the gulch of the same name can be clearly seen in this segment.



    Date Added to Register:
    Sunday, July 23, 1989
    Converse County
    Converse County
    Smithsonian Number:


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