
Community Preservation Program (CLG)     -

Community Preservation Program (CLG)     -

CLG General Information




The Community Preservation (also known as Certified Local Government) program exists to develop and support local historic preservation programs throughout Wyoming. We provide education, funding, and technical assistance to help protect historic properties in communities across the state. There are currently 17 certified local governments (CLGs) in Wyoming’s Community Preservation program.





What are the benefits of certification?
  • Grant funding
  • Technical assistance
  • National Register participation
  • Training opportunities
  • Networking opportunities
  • Participation in federal consultation
  • State and federal support for preservation in your community
What are the requirements?
  • Maintain a historic preservation commission or board
  • Enforce a local preservation ordinance or resolution
  • Survey and inventory historic properties
  • Provide opportunities for public participation
  • Submit an annual report

How does a community become certified?

If your town, city, or county is interested in becoming certified please call 307-777-7566.


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