
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

F. S. King Brothers Ranch Historic District



Read All About It:

The F. S. King Brothers Ranch Historic District comprises 160 acres nestled northeast of Laramie, Wyoming. Miles of sagebrush and desert grasses, low hills and rocky outcroppings surround the ranch. The ranch house and outbuildings lie in a shallow valley at the confluence of three draws, and are the only man-made structures visible in this landscape. The draws are lined with cottonwood trees, aspen and willows, and the hills surrounding the ranch complex are dotted with pine trees, sagebrush and outcroppings of rock. A large stand of aspen grows in the yard to the east of the house. West of the ranch complex, an earthen dam forms a half-acre pond.

This homestead served as the headquarters, and later the summer headquarters, of the F. S. King Brothers Ranch, which later became the King Brothers Ranch. The property contains the original homestead house as well as several original log outbuildings, and additional ranch buildings dating from the 1920s. It has statewide significance in agriculture, as a representative of the large sheep ranches that developed on the Laramie Plains in the late 19 th to early 20 th century. The property is also significant in exploration/settlement, as an intact early homestead on the Laramie Plains.

National Register form available on request


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Date Added to Register:
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Albany County
Albany County
Smithsonian Number:


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