
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Devils Tower Old Headquarters Area Historic District



Read All About It:

The Old Headquarters Area Historic District includes three extant buildings and their immediate surroundings. The buildings are the old administration building, the custodian's residence, and the fire hose house. These buildings represent the park's early efforts to protect the nation's first national monument and to provide for visitor enjoyment. Funded as an Emergency Conservation Works project and built by the CCC in 1935, the old administration building was used as the monument's headquarters and museum until 1959. At that time, headquarters was relocated while the building continued its function as the park's primary visitor center. The Custodian's Residence was designed by the National Park Service Landscape Division and constructed in 1931. The Fire Hose House was completed in 1937. It was designed and used to house the fire hydrant and to store the monument's hose and fire fighting equipment and continues to be used for that purpose.



Date Added to Register:
Monday, July 24, 2000
Crook County
Crook County
Smithsonian Number: 


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