
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Delfelder School (Hall)



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Delfelder Hall is located in the Wind River Valley of Wyoming four miles north of the town of Riverton. The hall is a large rectangular one-story stuccoed building. It displays no particular architectural style. It is a plain building that derives its significance from its role in local history. On September 8, 1908, about two years following the founding of Riverton, Mary J. Freeman filed on a 160-acre homestead located four miles north of the town. Early in March, 1909, Mary's residence, located north of the present Delfelder Hall Building, was used as a school that was taught by a teacher named Miss Jordan. The Freeman residence was the first of three schools located on that piece of land. In 1910 the Freeman property was sold to Jacob Delfelder, from whom the hall derives its name.

On August 7, 1920 the directors of the Fremont County School District let a contract to the firm of Westerlund and Schodin for the construction of a four room school house. The Delfelder Consolidated School opened on January 10, 1921. It was open for a period of eight years, and was officially closed on June 7, 1929 because modern means of transportation allowed students to attend schools in town.

Although it was built as a school, the Delfelder building also served as a community social center. Delfelder Hall is significant because of its historical role as the site of an early educational institution in the Riverton Valley, but particularly because of its long history as a rural community meeting house. It has been a place where citizens representing a variety of organizations have gathered together for entertainment and for the social, political and economic advancement of the community.



Date Added to Register:
Wednesday, March 29, 1978
Fremont County
Smithsonian Number: 


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