
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Union Congregational Church


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The Union Congregational Church, one of the first two churches established in northern Wyoming Territory and the first church in Buffalo, was incorporated in 1884, the same year the town of Buffalo was chartered. Situated on the top of a steep hill, the church was a plain, gable-roofed, rectangular, frame structure. The members of the church had constructed a building large enough to hold 200 people and to serve as a center for religious and social activities. Besides religious services, this structure housed dramatic production, concerts by local talent, old-fashioned spelling bees, and other gatherings. The present configuration of the church is the result of a remarkable plan formulated by the Reverend Charles Gray Miller and put into effect in 1911-1912 to enlarge the church. A basement was constructed on the lower slope of the hill to the west and the church was moved onto it. The parsonage, which was built in 1910, is just northwest of the church and on a level with the west side of the basement.



Date Added to Register:
Thursday, February 07, 1985
Johnson County
Smithsonian Number: 


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