
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Downtown Cheyenne Historic District Expansions


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In early 1987, downtown Cheyenne was resurveyed to determine if the downtown district boundaries could be expanded based on a new cutoff date of 1941 (rather than 1929) and on restoration and rehabilitation activity in the area. The survey determined that one and one-half blocks could be added to the district based on these criteria. The buildings in the area added to the Downtown Cheyenne Historic District were all constructed during the 20th century and three architectural types can be distinguished: 1) a continuation of 19th century commercial architecture traditions; 2) the so-called panel brick type; and 3) the Moderne style.

In 1995, downtown Cheyenne was again resurveyed to determine the feasibility of expansion and consolidation of the district boundaries. All buildings within the Downtown Cheyenne Historic District were reevaluated during this survey. The revised District contains ninety-six buildings, sixty-seven of which are considered to be contributing elements to the District. Buildings include structures built for commercial, financial, social, recreational, and transportational purposes. The boundaries were drawn to include all buildings that reflect or contribute to the visual and historical nature of the area, and to exclude areas containing noncontributing buildings wherever possible.



Date Added to Register:
Friday, May 20, 1988
Laramie County
Smithsonian Number: 


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