
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Texas Oil Company


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Certified Welding Corporation is located at 1122 West 23rd Street in an industrial area on the west side of the original commercial district of the City of Cheyenne, Wyoming. This property consists of two related buildings that were served by a railroad siding. Both buildings are well-preserved and rather unusual examples of early twentieth century brick masonry commercial/industrial architecture with their gable roofs and tall narrow design. The two buildings are significant because they represent the early twentieth century commercial activity in Cheyenne. Cheyenne had its origins as a railroad town created in 1867 by the construction of the first transcontinental railroad, making it an important transportation center from its inception. Therefore, its commercial history was inextricably tied to the railroad. These buildings were constructed in ca. 1915 and served as a wholesale bulk oil storage facility operated by the Texas Oil Company. Gas and oil were brought in by railroad cars, then unloaded and stored for local distribution. By 1960, the name of the corporation had changed to Texaco, Incorporated, and it is assumed that some of the products were distributed to local Texaco service station outlets. The Texas Oil Company continued to occupy this site as a wholesale distributor through 1979.



Date Added to Register:
Monday, October 13, 2003
Laramie County
Smithsonian Number: 


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