
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Sheridan Flouring Mills, Inc. (Mill Inn)


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The Sheridan Flouring Mills, Incorporated was originally constructed by J. W. Denio in 1920-21. It is an elongated rectangular reinforced concrete building with a two-story south wing, a central six-story segment, and a two-story brick element on the north end. These components represented the milling, packaging, and storage portion of the flour mill. There is a narrow intervening open space between the north end of the building and a reinforced concrete grain elevator and smokestack and seven pairs of attached grain storage tanks. In 1978 the mill was converted to a motel, which is now known as the Mill Inn. The south side of the elevator still bears a multi-colored logo with a cowboy on a bucking bronco and mountains in the background. The sign reads ''Best Out West Enriched Flour, Tomahawk Feeds For Livestock and Poultry, Sheridan Flouring Mills Inc.''

The Sheridan Flouring Mills, Inc. represents one of the most important early commercial enterprises in the City of Sheridan and Sheridan County. It served not only Sheridan but also the surrounding agricultural region including southeastern Montana and northeastern Wyoming through its network of farmers and grain elevators located along the mainline of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. It encouraged the growth of different strains of wheat by local farmers and provided a reliable market for their crops. It also converted these raw materials into flour, livestock feed, and other products to service the demands of the local community, as well as a much larger national market that extended from coast to coast. It became one of Sheridan's largest and most enduring employers with a substantial payroll and was also one of the largest taxpayers in Sheridan County and in the State of Wyoming. It provided a substantial income for the hundreds of farmers in the region who depended upon the mill as a buyer for their agricultural products. At this location, the Sheridan Flouring Mills, Inc. served Sheridan and the surrounding region from 1921 until finally closing in 1972.



Date Added to Register:
Monday, December 08, 1997
Sheridan County
Smithsonian Number: 


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