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View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Bairoil Town Hall


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The development of the highly productive gas and oil fields that surround the community of Bairoil began in the early 1900s and continues today. Originally a company town, everyone who lived in the area had some connection to the oil field and to this building. Every major company who had a part in the development of these wells utilized the old town hall building for their headquarters, general offices, and/or as a dorm for their workers. This is thought to be the last remaining building on its original location in Bairoil that dates to the early development of the surrounding oil and gas fields. Following the decision by Amoco in 1978 to no longer keep Bairoil as a company town, the citizens decided to formally incorporate Bairoil as a town. Amoco donated the building to the town for use as its town hall, and Bairoil officially incorporated in 1980. Throughout its history as company headquarters and as the town hall, the building has been the central place where decisions were made that affected the lives of each citizen of Bairoil.




Date Added to Register:
Monday, November 30, 2015
Sweetwater County
Smithsonian Number: 


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