
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Dug Springs Station



Read All About It:

Dug Springs Station on the Overland Trail is located in south-central Wyoming, in eastern Sweetwater County approximately midway between the cities of Rock Springs and Rawlins. Like most stage stations in Wyoming west of the Continental Divide, Dug Springs Station was constructed of slabs of native stone, quarried locally. The floor was likely dirt and the roof constructed of poles and dirt. The Station was in the 1860s one of thirty-one stopping points or waystations in Wyoming along the Overland Trail, the major central western transportation route in the United States between the years 1862-1869. Stage stations along the Overland Trail were usually spaced from ten to fifteen miles apart. Dug Springs Station is sixteen miles east of Laclede Station and thirteen miles west of Duck Lake Station. Its name derives from springs at the station site which probably were enlarged or dug out by someone to provide access to fresh water.



Date Added to Register:
Thursday, September 22, 1977
Sweetwater County
Sweetwater County
Smithsonian Number: 


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