
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Powder Wash Archaeological District



Read All About It:

The Powder Wash Archaeological District includes 19 rock art sites located in small rockshelters and a complex of apparently related structures consisting of an extensive wooden drift fence corral, four separate groups of wickiups constructed of deadfall juniper poles, two known rockshelters with entrances partially enclosed by low walls of rock and juniper logs, and three low circular stone-walled structures that may have served as breastwork fortifications. The sites in the district appear to have been occupied during the Protohistoric and Historic periods. The numerous rock art sites, which primarily portray images of horses and warriors, and their probable association with the drift fence, wickiup lodges, and possible fortifications have led to the hypothesis that the sites in the district are the product of war parties bivouacking in the area before and after raids.



Date Added to Register:
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
Sweetwater County
Smithsonian Number: 


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