
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Chapel of the Transfiguration


Read All About It:

The Chapel of the Transfiguration is located within Grand Teton National Park on property owned and maintained by St. John's Episcopal Church of Jackson, Wyoming. The chapel is one of the most visited religious structures in America and has been seen and admired by thousands of tourists from all over the world who have visited the Tetons each summer since the chapel was built in 1925. The chapel was purposely built in the center of the dude ranch country. It was erected through private contributions as a venture of faith, and is an example of how the early settlers in the valley met their needs by sharing resources. The land was donated by Maud Noble, money was donated by the dude ranches, and labor was donated by those the chapel would serve.

Date Added to Register:
Thursday, April 10, 1980
Grand Teton National Park
Teton County
Smithsonian Number: 


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