
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

George Washington Memorial Park


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Also known as the Jackson Town Square, the historic site includes the park which occupies a full city block, an elk antler arch and a stone monument of John Colter, among other non-contributing features and utilitarian objects. Prior to the creation of the park, the town square served as an informal, ill-defined, and widely-used open area around which the town's retail businesses began to locate. As a result of citizen volunteers, local officials, and federal work-relief assistance, the open space was converted into George Washington Memorial Park. That conversion in the years 1932 to 1934 reflected the commitment of the town and its citizens to civic improvement, and in the ensuing years of its historic significance, 1934-1953, the park became a defining feature and signature element of the town of Jackson. Because of the social, economic, and cultural origins of the park, because of the variety of resources that came together for its creation, and because of its prominence in the community, the park has performed a central role in the community planning and development of Jackson.



Date Added to Register:
Friday, December 05, 2003
Teton County
Smithsonian Number: 


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