
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

White Grass Dude Ranch


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The White Grass Dude Ranch historic district consists of ten guest cabins, a lodge, a dining hall, and a service/laundry building on the western edge of the White Grass Valley. The district buildings are all built in a style referred to as dude ranch vernacular. The historic district is significant because as a dude ranch it helped define and set the standards for the local Jackson Hole industry along with the Bar B C and J Y ranches. As a district it exemplifies the local development of dude ranches from cattle ranches in the area. The ranch was built during World War I as a cattle ranch, but by 1919 its owners, Hammond and Bispham, converted it to a dude ranch. After the conversion control of the property passed to Hammond's son-in-law Frank Galley who continued the operation until his death in 1985, making it the longest-lived active dude ranch in Jackson Hole.



Date Added to Register:
Monday, April 23, 1990
Grand Teton National Park
Teton County
Smithsonian Number: 


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