
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Saint Paul's Episcopal Church


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St. Paul's Episcopal Church is a picturesque example of the Carpenter Gothic style as it was expressed by protestant communities throughout rural Wyoming. Constructed in 1884-1885, it features the basic floor plan of 19th century parish churches with standard Gothic treatments such as gabled roof, lancet windows of stained glass and tracery bargeboards in the gable. The bell tower is situated atop the intersecting gables of the narthex and features an octagonal witches cap with rectangular window louvers at its base.

In the mid 19th century many American church architects were strongly influenced by a group of English Ecclesiologists who actively promoted the construction of Gothic parish churches as the only suitable structure for Christian worship. This influence was enhanced by an increasing demand by designers and parishioners alike that church buildings reflect their use. Innovative Americans adapted the best of the sanctioned English styles to the needs and capabilities of their own religious communities; an architectural principle that is to be considered one of the Gothic revivals most lasting contributions to the development of a new aesthetic in American architecture.

St. Paul's is exemplary of that new aesthetic. It is a religious property deriving its primary significance from architectural distinction because it embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period and method of construction prevalent in small frontier communities of the late 19th century. St. Paul's is also important because it was the only Episcopalian church in the county, and the only Protestant church in the community.



Date Added to Register:
Monday, November 17, 1980
Uinta County
Smithsonian Number: 


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