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View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Jenney Stockade


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Jenney Stockade is best knows as a stage station on the Cheyenne to Deadwood Stage Line. However, its history dates back to 1857. During that year Lt. G. K. Warren, accompanied by geologist Dr. F. V. Hayden, became the first white men to occupy the site. They camped on the east bank of Beaver Creek and Warren constructed a log corral at the camp. From this semi-permanent camp the Warren party proceeded to explore the Black Hills for mineral wealth and represented the first authorized military expedition into the Black Hills some seventeen years before the famed Custer Expedition.

March 17, 1875, 75 geologists and miners headed-up by Professor Walter P. Jenney left Cheyenne for the Black Hills. At Fort Laramie the Jenney party joined forces with 432 soldiers under the command of Lt. Col. Richard I. Dodge. The group arrived at the old Warren campsite on June 3, 1875 and the construction of the log fort began that day. The building of Camp Jenney, named after Professor Jenney, was completed in ten days. It was used during the summer of 1875 as a supply depot for all the camps throughout the Black Hills. In June of 1877, a cut-off on the Cheyenne to Deadwood Stage Line from Hat Creek, via Old Woman's Fork, to Camp Jenney was completed by W. M. Ward. Located 56 miles south of Deadwood, Camp Jenney became a regular stage stop on the Cheyenne to Deadwood run. The station became known as Jenney Stockade and beginning April 10, 1877 the stages made night runs between the stockade and Hat Creek Station. Jenney Stockade then became a breakfast and supper stop for stage passengers.

On June 22, 1877, the land on which Jenney Stockade stood became the property of Flarida, Burroughs and Spencer. Spencer obtained Flarida's and Burrough's interest and the LAK (Lake, Allerton and Spencer) Cattle Company was established during the winter of 1877-1878. In the following years the Stockade served the owners of the LAK Ranch until the construction of modern buildings necessitated moving the old original stockade structure to Newcastle.



Date Added to Register:
Tuesday, September 30, 1969
Weston County
Smithsonian Number: 


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