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View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Amoretti, Welty, Helmer & Co Bank


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The Amoretti, Welty, Helmer and Company Bank Building (herein after referred to as the Bank) is located at 109 West Ramshorn Street in Dubois. This is the downtown business district of the small rural mountain town of Dubois, Wyoming (population 971; census 2010) located at the confluence of Horse Creek and the Wind River. Dubois is bordered by the Wind River Range to the south and west and the badlands of the Absaroka Range to the east, north, and west.

The one story rock building was constructed of local red sandstone in 1912-13 as a private bank by Frank A. Welty Sr. and others. The building is generally rectangular in shape and has a flat roof with a low parapet. The one story building measures roughly 23 feet wide and 40 feet deep. The main entrance is set in a 45 degree angle on the northeast corner of the building.

The Amoretti, Welty, Helmer & Company Bank is locally significant in the area of commerce as it was the first bank to operate in the town of Dubois. Construction on the bank began in 1911 and it opened its doors for business in 1913. As the first bank located in the town of Dubois it served as the center for financial activities and investment. As timber operations for the production of railroad ties entered the area, Dubois experienced a sudden influx of people and money. The people's needs for services were increasing and few, if any, were available locally. The nearest location where these services could be found were Riverton and Lander, 75 miles one way to either town. Postal service was via horseback and stage from Rawlins to Lander, then from Lander by anyone coming to Dubois. Medical service was obtained by traveling to either Riverton or Lander. Banking fell into this same category. Frank A. Welty Sr. was a local established merchant in Dubois who saw the need for this service. A partnership was formed by Frank A. Welty with experienced bankers, Ernest B. Helmer and Eugene Amoretti Jr., to open a private bank.



Date Added to Register:
Friday, September 27, 2019
Fremont County
Smithsonian Number: 


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