
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Cora Townsite



Read All About It:

The Cora Townsite is considered eligible under Criteria A for its association with the settlement of Cora, a ranching rural Wyoming community in the twentieth century. The site has been in this location since 1919 and retains high quality of integrity of setting and place. The areas of significance are 1) architecture, for its outstanding log craftsmanship mostly done by “tie-hacks,” 2) commerce, because the townsite was the commercial focus of the surrounding agricultural area for most of the twentieth century, and 3) government, because the Post Office, located at the townsite, has always been an important institution in the area.

The Cora Townsite is also considered eligible under Criteria C for its distinctive characteristics of log craftsmanship. Tie hacks, men who supplied the ties for the railroad, were excellent log craftsmen. Cora, with its close proximity to the Kendall tie hack camp, was the benefactor of tie hacks who used their axe-wielding talent to build distinctive log buildings in the area. Eddie Edwards was a Kendall tie hack who built the early buildings in the Cora townsite.

The Cora Townsite is located in northern Sublette County, Wyoming, in the remote area of Cora. It is the location of the Cora Post Office, which is still in use. The townsite is 940’ X 660’ and located east of Wyoming Highway 352 and north of County Road 145, also known as Noble Road. All of the structures are in a row and face south toward Noble Road. The structures in the townsite were constructed by hand by local craftsmen using local logs. The buildings have high historical integrity for craftsmanship, setting, and location. Most of the buildings and structures are nearly in their original form, with the few additions and changes made to some structures mostly now 50 years old or older. Today the townsite consists of seven buildings and three structures, all contributing; and one noncontributing structure. The buildings vary from excellent to poor condition.




Date Added to Register:
Monday, April 24, 2017
Sublette County
Smithsonian Number: 


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