
View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

View Full List of National Register: Wyoming Listings

Jameson Site


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The Jameson site (48JO2) is located in the eastern foothills of the southern Bighorn Mountains in Johnson County, Wyoming. The site sits along the Middle Fork of the Powder River where the river has cut a passage through the Red Wall – a long, northwest-to-southeast escarpment of red sandstone and shale (Burk and Thomas 1956; High and Picard 1967). This location is a passageway that divides the Red Wall and connects the Bighorn Mountains in the west to the Powder River Basin to the east. The Jameson site, therefore, is positioned in a natural travel corridor that humans have likely used throughout prehistory. Based on radiocarbon dates, the site was occupied at various times between the Middle Plains Archaic and Protohistoric periods. The site has been tested with recent investigations focusing on a hearth feature dating to the Late Plains Archaic period. Feature 1 is comprised of an intact ~55 cm diameter hearth with associated stone tools, bison bone (Bison bison), and thousands of pieces of chipped stone. Other artifacts found on site include a cache of sticks wrapped in cordage, a bark bundle, shell beads, chipped stone artifacts, and fire-cracked rock. The stick cache, hypothesized to be a set of gambling sticks, and bark bundle date to approximately 250 14C years BP. Incised rock art panels and at least one hand spray have also been identified within the site boundaries. The site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion D based on intact cultural deposits and associated rock art and perishable items, all of which have the potential to address ongoing research questions.



Date Added to Register:
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Johnson County
Smithsonian Number: 


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