


Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant recipients announced


Recipients of the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant Announced

The Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has awarded four Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants to Wyoming businesses. 

With funding from the National Park Service, SHPO awarded $350,000 in grant support to help four grantees with their rehabilitation of historic buildings on rural historic main streets and/or commercial districts in Wyoming.

The four grant recipients are The Weston House, Weston House LLC, Jackson; Leaverton Building, Leaverton Marquis LLC, Sheridan; GT Machine Building, GT Machine LLC, Green River; and Historic First Security Bank Building, City of Rock Springs, Rock Springs.

The Weston House, LLC received $84,361 in support of foundation repairs to the historic The Weston House. The Weston House was constructed in 1935, located just east of the Jackson town square.

This building is historically significant based on its architecture and log construction and retains a high degree of integrity. In concert with its neighbors on the Genevieve Block, The Weston House is also significant as a settlement home.

Leaverton Marquis, LLC received $98,865 in support of roof repairs to the historic The Leaverton Building. This property is one of many historic buildings that compose the Sheridan Main Street Historic District. The building was built in two phases, the first of which was the north half of the existing structure, followed by the south half shortly after, between the dates of 1890 and 1893, each consistent in a neo-classical style.

G T Machine, LLC received $85,400 in support of roof repairs to the historic G T Machine Building.  With its distinctive curved roof, this 1919 building was part of the dawning of a new era in transportation –highways and automobiles. Built expressly to carry on a general automobile business in all of its branches and details, the building was conveniently located on the route of the Lincoln Highway. This building continues to house an automobile related business in the basement.

The City of Rock Springs received $81,374 in support of electrical service to the historic First National Bank. The First National Bank, aka First Security Bank, has been vacant since 1980 when the bank moved to a new location. Since that time, the building has bounced between owners, many of whom removed some of the historic features and valuable marble from the interior of the building.

Luckily, the exterior has remained mostly untouched in those 40 years. The City of Rock Springs acquired the building roughly 10 years ago to preserve it from further damage and find funding mechanisms to restore it to is former glory.

For more information about the State Historic Preservation Office or the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant program, please contact Brian Beadles, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer, at 307-777-8594 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


First National Bank, Rock Springs


GT Machine Building, Green River


Leaverton Marquis, Sheridan


Historic photo -- Weston House, Jackson


Weston House, 2020, Jackson

First-National-Bank-1979-Photo G-T-Machine-Building-2008-photo The-Leaverton-Bulding-Sheridan Historic-Photo-of-The-Weston-House-Jackson 2020-Photo-of-The-Weston-House-Jackson


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